More from Gore
Breckinridge has been thought by some to be a Commie, not the worst
thing to be known as…
… I am convinced that any attractive television personality who wanted
to become our dictator would have… full support.
On the one hand, I am intellectually devoted to the idea of the old America. I believe in justice… Yet, emotionally, I would be only too happy to become world dictator, if only to fulfill my mission: the destruction of the last vestigial traces of traditional manhood in the race in order to realign the sexes, thus reducing population while increasing human happiness and preparing humanity for its next stage."
from Gore Vidal's Myra Breckinridge [1968]
by Rich Grzesiak
"I am Myra Breckinridge whom no man will ever possess." With those seemingly innocuous words, novelist Gore Vidal unleashed a body blow to conventional American literature some 18 years ago which readers and academicians are still feeling today. In one short book he cemented for all time his reputation as a satirist with radical ideas about sex, politics, religion, literature, democracy, you name it.
That is not to say that the world did not know Vidal before the advent of Myra Breckinridge . He somehow scraped along for years, first as a "war novelist" (Williwaw), then as a scandalous novelist (The City and The Pillar), later a television script writer. Finally, in the late 1950's, after a long period when he earned barely seven thousand dollars a year, he had a Broadway hit play on his hands (The Best Man), one of his plays was sold to the movies (Visit to A Small Planet) and a presidential candidate by the name of John F. Kennedy invited him to dinner.
While those soon-to-be White House dinners did not last long (GV was thrown out one night after the late Robert F. Kennedy allegedly called him a "faggot"), Vidal's creativity did. In the late 1960's, after successfully completing two best-selling historical novels (Washington, D.C. and Julian), he holed up in Rome — soon to be one of his new homes — and in the unbelievably short period of 30 days, he gave birth, as it were, to the literary creation which the world knows now as Myra Breckinridge , a work which, in its cunning audacity, is quite unlike any other in American literature. (Both Myra Breckinridge and its sequel, Myron, are now available for the first time in a single volume from Random House, $19.95/hardcover).
In the summer of 1986 I caught up with Vidal while he was sunning himself at La Rondinaia, his villa in the Italian countryside near Ravello. AT&T provided the linkage. We spoke shortly before the recent Supreme Court ruling on a Georgia sodomy law (which he later denounced).
talked of AIDS and politics and literature — surely subjects dear to
the heart of Myra Breckinridge. He also reminisced about two recently
deceased friends, Merle Miller and Christopher Isherwood (to whom Myra
Breckinridge was dedicated, just as Isherwood's A Single Man
was dedicated to Vidal).
people my age sex could indeed kill you and so what? Obviously, AIDS is
a bad thing; obviously, it is awful if you get it; it was awful in the
old days if you got syphilis and died of it. The idea that death is
un-American, which is really beginning to crop up, is just all wrong.
This is very much on my mind because here in Ravello we were hit very
seriously by [the nuclear accident at] Chernobyl. On May 2nd there was
a powerful tempest straight from that unhappy city, and we were
"cooked," as the anti-nuclear people say.
We have Cesium 137 in the soil here whose half life is 30 years.
We're all coughing and hacking and blood is coming up — all quite aware
of mortality…
RG: Sounds like Italy of the 14th century…
GV: … yes, it's Boccaccio time, and we all know it, and it's very
So all the AIDS hysteria is really just hatred of fags, that's all it's
about. It's a very minor disease. It's a ghastly one… . As belly
rubbing comes back into style, who knows just what variations people
will think of?
RG: You mention the "hatred of fags," which is a long-standing American
theme. How would you assess the political strength of the gay community
in the United States today? And given what many people perceive to be
the very negative [political] impact of the spread of AIDS, what
strategies would you recommend politically?
GV: Would to god that I knew. It certainly falls into the hands of the
dread Podhoretz's and also the Jesus Christ-ers and it seems like god
is at work.
But you can also point out to them that the good god let off the thing
at Chernobyl, that god dropped the bomb on Nagasaki. It ties in with
all of their prejudices.
One of the funniest things I always find when reading right wing
literature is [the assertion that] the fags are always asking for
special rights. I have never seen one that anybody ever asked for
except that the 14th Amendment extend to people of that persuasion.
The far right are always into special rights. I've often had [to
confront] them on television. You ask them, well what do you mean? And
then they start the battle and talk about god's "law."
But I don't know what strategy to use except to simply say that this
[AIDS] is in Africa and heterosexual, and that brings out their
anti-black feelings. They have some fun with that one.
AIDS is a weapon overall. As the country drifts rightward toward what
my friend Norman Mailer calls "musical fascism," they're going to go
after every minority that questions in any way the people who run the
RG: From California comes news that the LaRoucheites are putting a
referendum on the California ballot this fall whose goal is being taken
very seriously. If passed, it would require the quarantining of AIDS
patients in that state.
GV: It won't pass; I know the state that well. But it will get a lot of
support down in Orange County…
There is a strong fascist movement in the country and part of my alarm
[arises] over my former Jewish, former liberal friends joining in with
the fascists in order to get support for Israel. That's one of the
things that stuns me because these people are as anti-Semitic as they
are anti-fag and anti-black.
I think that's sweeping across the country. They have a president now
who is complaisant . There's trouble ahead… .I must be very careful
because I could be put into jail for inciting to terrorism, but I would
take the position that at any point when a majority group decides to
punish a minority for religious or whatever reason[s], then I am one
with Thomas Jefferson [who said] that the tree of liberty must be fed
with the blood of tyrants.
So I am for fighting… whoever is motivated wins. The crazies aren't.
Our musical comedy fascism is flabby: we can't win any wars, we can't
make a car anybody wants to buy. The place is a failure now. We're
Number Two in the world after Japan. We're dropping further and further
down. We can't win a war against anybody.
I'd like to forget all about the Empire and just go back to educating
people and stop worrying about things that are none of our business.
RG: You claimed earlier that you see the conservative trends persisting
here. Yet pollsters claim that President Reagan's popularity is more
personal than ideological. Still others, like historian Arthur
Schlesinger, claim that we are merely living through a conservative
cycle about to yield to liberalism…
GV: Yes, I always refer to him as "Arthur ('it's a cycle') Schlesinger"
or even "Arthur ('you see this pendulum') Schlesinger."
Well, of course, this, too, will pass but it does not necessarily mean
it's going to right itself in the natural conservative/liberal,
conservative/liberal flow. The United States has always been
conservative, so it's really more like conservative to reactionary.
As we face true failure in the world, which we now confront
economically, then it's more like reactionary versus fascist, and the
troubles really begin. Scapegoats are needed; fags are right up there
in the first category.
Yes, Reagan's popularity is largely personal and based on the
manipulation of television and that is something which, while I've been
doing it all my life, I don't understand how you absolutely brainwash
people so they will vote against their own interests time and time
again simply because they like a man's smile.
Beyond Reagan's personal appeal, there is an ideology in that he only
tells you good news — he's Hal Happiness.
RG: Pollsters have found that the youth in this country have
demonstrated consistently conservative political tendencies. What do
you make of this for our political future?
GV: Well, the demographics are that they don't vote at all anyway, and
the ones who do vote like daddy and they're very right wing.
They're interested in getting jobs and have no feelings about others.
Remember, the Sixties were a rare moment when people were shaken out of
themselves. By and large, people don't, and you can't hold it against
them in that they're acting in a normal way.
RG: Reagan approximates what you observed when your novel Messiah
was published [1957], that if an American dictator were to come to
power he would be a smiling, clean-shaven Arthur Godfrey and not some
morose, mustachioed Hitler.
GV: Well, I was right! [Reagan] doesn't have the energy to be one… but
he's totally ignorant and no one seems disturbed by that.
The people who deal with him are astonished at how little he knows and
how little he cares — he's entirely The Salesman.
all, half the people don't vote. We don't have political parties: we
have one political party with two right wings called the Democratic and
the Republican.
We're not allowed to have politics! We've never had a labor movement!
Can you imagine an industrialized country the size of the United States
which has the weakest and smallest labor movement in the entire Western
world? And it's declining even as we speak, down to about 18% of the
work force.
RG: To cure these ills, you once advocated a new constitutional
GV: I'm still all for that, even though the liberals hate it because
they say that they will take away the Bill of Rights. I say, good! Then
we'll have a civil war and we'll re-establish them and they will be
vivid and meaningful. We will win because there are more of us.
Liberals are essentially so guilty: they think they are a minority
because somehow they're wrong, or because they don't love money enough…
they seem to be less dedicated than the true right wing that makes
Coors beer.
RG: So if film director John Milius invited you to reshape his right
wing fantasy screenplay of Red Dawn, your plotline wouldn't see
the commies taking us over. Instead we'd have a civil war and all of
these problems would be sorted out.
GV: Well, I would say no to Mr. Milius… he doesn't know what communism
is about.
My favorite moment from my 1982 quest for the California Senatorial
nomination was when I appeared before an audience in Orange County and
some woman got up and said, "I have two questions to ask you. First,
what can I as an average housewife do to combat communism and two, what
is communism, Mr. Vidal?"
She had no idea what she was talking about… thought it was something
RG: Do you see the Democrats moving back into the White House in
January of 1989?
GV: No one on earth could possibly care!
Mondale would have been the same president as Reagan except he wouldn't
have felt so good because he does fret about issues. He'd be like
Carter: you'd see him worrying about things that people wouldn't know
I'll tell you in one sentence how you can tell that something new is on
the scene. It's the defense budget.
In the last election Reagan wanted to increase it by 13% factoring out
inflation. By contrast, Mondale was the traitor and commie lover who
wanted only an 8% increase.
My hero Jesse Jackson wanted to cut things by 25 to 30%. The first
candidate who says that is a serious candidate. The others all belong
to the same party who have been giving you the same wonderful
government we've been enjoying for the last 30 years.
RG: One of my favorite right wingers is Attorney General Meese, who
looks like a refugee from one of those 1950's TV sitcoms. His
commission on pornography has been attempting to intimidate the
retailers of sexually suggestive works.
Do you anticipate any attempts to ban the reissue of Myra /Myron?
GV: Meese's like Grady Sutton, the great Southern sissy in the W. C.
Fields pictures. [Imitating Sutton]: "Now, Mr. Fields, I just don'
understand… " [Imitating Fields]: "I've told you my boy, you've got too
much of the tomboy in you."
Well, there's too much of the tomboy in me, too. [If the Meese
pornography commission came after me], I'd love to take that one to the
U.S. Supreme Court, because after all these years Myra Breckinridge
has acquired so many accolades from critics all around the world from
Harold Bloom to the late Italian novelist Italo Calvino.
They would really have to take on Literature itself, something I'm sure
they'd be happy to do. But they could lose… and look very silly.
Actually, I won the first round with the right wingers in 1968 by not
allowing any review copies of Myra Breckinridge for a full six
months when it was first released. It was already on the bestseller
lists before anyone even got around to reviewing it.
RG: Even when Myra Breckinridge was reviewed, you complained
that it was completely misunderstood by American critics.
GV: Well, they're not critics. They're school teachers or journalists
or somebody's wife or boyfriend. Book reviewing has never been taken
seriously in the United States and no one should take it seriously. I
never have. They're all pretty dumb.
When Myra Breckinridge was published, Time magazine
asked, "Has literary decency fallen so low?" There was a lot of
RG: As I recall, when Myra Breckinridge debuted, you received
many strange reactions, some fairly off the wall…
GV: Oh, yeah… I got a set of photographs from a guy who had been turned
into a lady showing the entire operation step-by-step. It was
absolutely sickening.
I know nothing about transsexualists and I'd never even met one outside
of the dread Candy Darling who used to corner me at parties and
exclaim, "I was born to play Myra Breckinridge!"
By contrast, one of the young writers who did an early screenplay for
the movie version of Myra Breckinridge once reported to me that
he showed the script to Raquel Welch, who opined that she, too, was
born to play Myra. "I always wanted to be a star," she told him,
"that's all I ever thought about: movies, stardom."
Yeah, he told her, but what about the part of the role that needs to be
a man? She said, "What?" and just blacked that part out.
RG: My theory about the overwhelming initial success of Myra
Breckinridge is that the flower children picked it up…
GV: Do you think they did? I found that all kinds of weird and not so
weird people did. It amused an awful lot of hetero studs. And it became
simultaneously and contradictorily a kind of marching anthem for the
feminists anything to shove up a stud's ass, you know, brought a
smile to their face.
Of course in Europe it is very highly regarded.
RG: How did the rest of the world's readers greet Myra Breckinridge?
GV: The northern countries didn't like it: Scandinavia dislikes it
intensely, the Germans don't get the joke.
The Latins, Brits (who are perverse beyond belief) love it; the French, who enjoyed my Duluth, later revived Myra and seem to have gotten it the second time around. The Hispanics adore my books. I understand that Duluth was the #1 book being read in the women's prison system in Lima, Peru. They obviously had had all they could stand of okra and prunes. I read about all the riots going on and think, at last I have found my audience.
In samizdat Myra Breckinridge has penetrated the Iron Curtain. I am told that I am currently the most popular living American writer being read in the Soviet Union.
one must remember that they read only my historical novels [Burr,
1876, etc.]. My publisher there told me that "whatever
government we may have a hundred years from now, I promise you one
thing: Myra Breckinridge will never be published in Russia."
Well, they do know their folks.
RG: Without Myra Breckinridge, could there have been either a La
Cage aux Folles or Victor/Victoria?
GV: Yes, I think you're right on both. Myra shares a lot, after all,
with the original spirit of Saturday Night Live.
RG: But as far as your own books are concerned, could there have been a
Myra Breckinridge without The City and The Pillar?
GV: No, I don't see any connection, although the N.Y. Review of
Books recently referred to that "furtive prairie fire" set off by The
City and The Pillar.
RG: When you initially composed Myra Breckinridge you told one
interviewer that it was as if the voices inspiring Joan of Arc came to
you. What changes have the voices recommended in this combined reissue
(with Myron)?
GV: Most of the changes were made so that the two books would conform
to one another in a single volume.
I kind of copped out in that I dropped the names of the Supreme Court
justices from Myron — a funny joke at the time [1974]. I just
went back to the words that the justices' were substituted for: fuck,
cock, asshole et cetera.
In Myron, there is no more Blackmun. No more "we'll pull back
the covering of the rehn, now Myra, to reveal the quist."
reads better with the revisions and, as the two books are side by side,
you can't have one kind of joke in one without the other. I also
removed some of the topical references, cut back on some of the
Nixon/Watergate paraphernalia.
RG: You've vowed repeatedly that you would never watch the film version
of MYRA BRECKINRIDGE. Have you honored that promise? And will
there ever be a filmed sequel to Myra?
GV: Well, one can always hope, as that is beyond my control.
However, my novel Kalki is alive again. Christopher Lambeth, a
French actor in Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, has been
signed to play a part.
RG: When your friend gay writer Merle Miller died recently The N.Y.
Times had the temerity to claim in his obit that he had no
survivors, despite the well known fact that he lived with the writer
David W. Elliott for years. Were you surprised by either their coverage
or his death?
GV: The Times would have loved to have said that it was AIDS.
I knew Merle for years. During the late 1940's he used to love going
around denouncing Capote and me as sexual degenerates. He was then a
leading young novelist and married and had written a war novel called That
night I was walking down Manhattan's Lexington Avenue [1948/1949] and I
realized that I was being followed. I paused and this bespectacled man
came up to me and said, "Do you have a light?"
One of those great opening lines. I said to him, "Aren't you Merle
Miller?" He said 'no' and fled.
Miller was then working at Harper's magazine. One day I rang up
Russell Lions, who was the head of Harper's and I said to him,
I have an idea. So I went over to see him and in the course of
conversation I asked if Merle Miller was working there.
yes, would you like to meet him?" Lions asked. And there he was —
one of those gorgeous confrontations. Later we became friends and
he dropped the shit.
RG: Christopher Isherwood died recently…
GV: I'll give you his last word. I don't know whether they were his
Last, Last, but they were his last words to me and one of the last
coherent sentences he ever came up with.
He was very sad, and icy cold, and going in and out of consciousness.
Don Bachardy brought me to him, and we sat on the bed and gossiped
Sometimes he would remember who I was and forget. Eventually, during
this do-I-wake-or-sleep-syndrome, we talked about England and he
brightened up. He had not been there in some years but he had made his
peace with the English.
said to him, you know, they are such fuck-ups. They've made no
preparations for when the North Sea oil runs out and they're not
competitive economically. They're a nation of grasshoppers.
Christopher swiveled towards me and said, "So what's wrong with
That was a nice epitaph.
RG: Will Gore Vidal ever run for political office again?
GV: No . It may run for me but I shall run from it.